Why do those horrible chewing noises bother me so much?

Misophonia, also known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome, is a condition in which certain sounds trigger strong emotional and physical responses in individuals. These sounds, known as trigger sounds, can range from eating noises, such as chewing or swallowing, to more mundane sounds, such as typing or writing.

For those with misophonia, these trigger sounds can trigger a fight or flight response, causing anger, anxiety, and even physical pain. This can lead to difficulty in social situations and relationships and problems with concentration and productivity.

What are the symptoms of misophonia?

  • An intense emotional response to specific sounds, such as anger, frustration, or anxiety

  • A desire to avoid situations where the trigger sounds are present

  • Difficulty focusing on tasks when the trigger sounds are present

  • Physical responses to the trigger sounds, such as increased heart rate or sweating

While there is currently no known cure for misophonia, several treatment options are available to help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. One such treatment option is hypnotherapy.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a therapy that uses hypnosis, a state of deep relaxation, to access the unconscious mind and make positive changes to thoughts, behaviours, and habits. During hypnotherapy, the therapist guides the individual into a state of hypnosis through relaxation techniques and visualisation. Once in this state, the therapist can then make suggestions to the individual’s unconscious mind to help them overcome specific issues or behaviours.

Can hypnotherapy help cure my misophonia?

One of the main goals of hypnotherapy for misophonia is to help individuals manage their emotional and physical reactions to trigger sounds. This can be done through a variety of techniques, including:


By slowly and gradually exposing individuals to their trigger sounds in a controlled environment, hypnotherapy can help to desensitise them to these sounds and reduce their adverse reactions.

Relaxation techniques

Hypnotherapy can also help individuals learn relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and visualisation, to help them manage their stress and anxiety in response to trigger sounds.

Change negative beliefs

Hypnotherapy can also help individuals identify and change negative beliefs and thought patterns contributing to their misophonia. For example, an individual may believe that the sound of someone eating is purposely done to annoy them, when in reality, it is a natural, unconscious behaviour. By changing this negative belief, the individual may be able to manage better their reactions to trigger sounds.

Improving communication skills

Misophonia can also lead to difficulty in communication and relationships. Hypnotherapy can help individuals improve their communication skills, such as learning how to express their feelings and needs in a healthy way, to manage their relationships better and improve their overall quality of life.

Reducing avoidance behaviour

Misophonia can lead to individuals avoiding social situations or activities that involve trigger sounds. Hypnotherapy can help individuals overcome this avoidance behaviour and participate in activities they enjoy without letting their misophonia hold them back.

I have worked very successfully with many people to help them overcome their misophonia and it’s been life changing for them. This is what a client wrote after working with me :

Gaynor treated me for misophonia, a little known neurological condition where the sufferer has a hatred of certain noises, leading to anger and anxiety. Commonly, eating noises trigger the condition. I had three session with Gaynor focusing on this issue. Afterwards I was able to enjoy a visit to the cinema for the first time in years, where the popcorn munchers and sweetie bag rustlers did not bother me at all. In the longer term I am much more able to cope with triggers, meaning I am more able to enjoy my life, doing normal things which before I would have found too stressful”

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