I specialise in helping clients overcome stress and anxiety to lead calm, happy, fulfilling lives.

The main anxiety conditions that I help clients overcome are Insomnia, General Anxiety Disorder, Phobias, Panic Attacks, Reducing Alcohol Consumption, and Performance Anxiety.

What is Anxiety? Anxiety can be defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome, and is an over-response to a perceived threat. In other words, getting wound up about something that hasn’t happened and might not happen. If you suffer from anxiety, you probably feel on edge, restless, have trouble concentrating, dwell on negative thoughts and experiences and imagine lots of worst case scenarios.

Anxiety can also cause a seemingly disparate range of physical symptoms such as raised blood pressure, headaches, nausea, insomnia, palpitations and even needing to wee more frequently. Anxiety can be triggered by emotional turmoil, relationship pressures and life upheavals but it’s also a behaviour which is learned from our past experiences. Some drugs and medication can exacerbate anxiety.

How can you help me overcome my anxiety?  I use a number of cognitive and behavioural approaches both pre and during hypnosis to help clients overcome their anxiety.  I also teach self-care and coping skills to ensure that clients can remain calm and  confident when faced with challenging and unexpected situations in the future.

What are the symptoms of Anxiety?  Anxiety is a collection of symptoms related to feelings of worry, fear or nervousness.    I work with my clients to relieve the symptoms of anxiety quickly and forever. Anxiety can cause a wide range of physical, behavioural and cognitive symptoms, including:

  • Feeling fearful, panicked, uneasy, or agitated.
  • Feeling unnecessarily worried and imagining worst-case scenarios
  • Having a low mood or feeling sad for no specific reason 
  • A busy, racing mind
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders
  • Panic attacks
  • Feeling irritable, angry or annoyed for no real reason
  • Digestive issues including Irritable Bowel Syndrome – IBS
  • Blushing and excessive sweating
  • Difficulty concentrating, poor memory and foggy thinking
  • General aches and pains including muscle tension and headaches
  • Substance abuse – Including drugs and alcohol
  • Over-eating or under-eating
  • Lacking energy and feeling over-tired
  • Overactive bladder
  • Constipation and Diarrhoea
  • Stammering
  • Procrastination and avoidance 
  • Rollercoaster emotions
  • Increased heart rate
  • Shallow, rapid breathing
  • Butterflies in the stomach
  • Dizziness or feeling light-headed

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07305 918162