The Fight or Flight Response
When we start to feel fearful, we trigger our fight or flight response from our autonomic nervous system. This is an ancient survival response which evolved for our protection in life-threatening situations. In moments of stress or fear (either real or imagined) the body releases hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol to prepare the body to respond quickly to the perceived danger.
The fight or flight response causes a number of changes to happen in the body which can be very disturbing, particularly if you don’t know what is causing them. Such as:
- The body increases both the heartbeat and respiration rate in order to provide energy and oxygen to the body that will be needed to fuel a rapid response to the perceived danger.
- Racing thoughts help us evaluate danger and make rapid decisions. It can be difficult to concentrate on anything else apart from the danger or escape routes.
- Nausea and butterflies in the tummy are caused by blood being diverted away from the stomach to the major muscles.
- Bladder or bowel urgency can occur as some muscles relax in response to extreme stress. Feeling an urgent need to go to the toilet further exacerbates anxiety.
- The major muscles become tense as they are primed for action. This tension can also result in trembling or shaking.
The Anxiety Spiral

It’s normal to feel anxious occasionally such as before an important presentation at work. This sort of very short-term anxiety can actually help motivate us. Anxiety becomes a problem when someone’s flight or fight mode either gets stuck on or is triggered when there is no real threat.
I use a number of cognitive and behavioural approaches both pre and during hypnosis to help clients overcome their anxiety. I also teach self-care and coping skills to ensure that clients can remain calm when faced with challenging and unexpected situations in the future.
Click to contact me to have a chat about how I can help if you are feeling anxious.